
Creative Habitat

Mompreneurs in their Element

Erin Huiatt

Owner of Des Moines Parent & President of Femcity Des Moines
“I take time to meet with people in the community on a regular basis.  I get great ideas from networking with other moms.”

Brooke Happe

Founder of B.E. Happe Designs                                “I learn something new every day. When I learn something new, I am able to grow as a mother, a woman, and a small business owner. It is fulfilling!” 

Robbin Fisher Roffer

Founder of Big Fish Marketing          “Every day I hike with a different mom.  When I’m on the hiking trails I get to tune into my intuition.   When we listen to our inner voice, that’s when magic happens.  Starting the day with a hike is an amazing way to start the day!”

Laura and Julie

Co-Founders of                                 DSM Children’s Museum            “Communication is key for us.   We call/text each other constantly with new ideas and then brainstorm how to execute them effectively.”

Danie Gohr

Creator of Catch this Mama Podcast

“I blend time with intentionality by showing up every single day to develop Catch This Mama. I also start every post and podcast with authentic humor about motherhood because humor is how I best relate to the moms I am serving. “

Rachelle Caco

Founder of Powerfully C.H.I.C

“I surround myself with people who see me bigger than who I am – I have a team of people who have my back and see me through the ups and downs and I regularly tap into their support.”

Hayley Forster

Founder of Simple Joy

“As a mother you get very little time to yourself and you are always running after everyone else.  In order to make the most of my time, I would purposely focus on my goals during my morning commute and then I dedicated the first part of my morning (while things were quiet in the office) to developing Simple Joy.  I have since transitioned to staying at home with my girls and focusing on Simply Joy full-time.  I use time blocking tools to make sure I am focused on my kids when I am with them and focused on Simple Joy during my work hours.”

Amy and Audrey

Co-Founders of Komae Childcare App

“We commit to spending 15 minutes a day thinking about or planning our next idea – you will be spurred on by this dedicated time to think, plan, and dream.  Anyone can find 15 minutes!”

Jenna Jones

Founder of Jenna Jones Design

“I have tons of vision journals where I write down my hopes, my dreams, and my ideas.  I write down my “best case scenario” and what that would look like, then I write down roadblocks that are keeping me from getting to where I want to be.  I then make a list of things I want to research and learn, people I want to seek out and connect with who I can learn from or peers I want to collaborate with.  Constantly refreshing my business vision helps me establish clear priorities, stay motivated, and stay on task so I can enjoy the process!”

Anna Runyan

Founder of Classy Career Girl

Anna Runyan, founder of Classy Career Girl shares about her journey as a mompreneur and creative habits that have helped her develop her online training and career coaching business.  Anna has been featured on Fox 5 News, San Diego 6 News, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance and People StyleWatch magazine. Anna was also nominated in 2016 as San Diego Magazine’s Woman of the Year.

Meredith Kramer

Founder of 40weekFIT
Meredith shares about her creative habits that inspire her vision to help new moms refuel and stay fit.

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