Creative Habitat

Tilling Time

Living in Iowa for the last 9 months has made me more curious about the farming industry. Did you know Iowa is the #1 producer of soybeans, corn, pork, and eggs in the United States? There are about 31 million acres dedicated to farming in Iowa and you can read other interesting Iowa farming facts here but for today, I want to focus on the art of tilling.

Tilling is the agricultural preparation of soil to ensure it is enriched with nutrients. My research on the tilling process lead me down a road of how-to’s to how-not-to’s as well as many articles on the economic and political facets of tilling and the farming industry but by and far, despite many differing viewpoints, most all agree quality soil leads to quality produce.

While “digging” for more information on this topic 😉😉 I was reminded of the biblical parable of the sower in Luke 8 where a farmer sprinkles his seed in 4 different environments only to find one environment – the good soil – surpassed them all yielding a crop 100 times what was sown.

As tilling season begins here in Iowa, I can’t help but feel the need to “till my own soil” or should I say “till my own soul.” This act of stirring up and enriching what already lies within is key to any growth process be it growing corn or creating a space designed to serve as “good soil” for the creative minds and hearts of moms from all walks of life. A place where seeds of hope and potential can be planted and nurtured.

You see, Creative Habitat, is so much more than the space I hope it will one day become. In fact, for me, it is the very act of becoming – the result of sowing creative habits in my daily life to renew the dreamer’s heart and mind God has placed within me. Nurturing this Creative Habitat vision is the constant tilling of inspiration from the conversations I have with other moms, to the books I read, to the music I listen to…it all helps me till the good soil. And I hope…very soon…to harvest the crop. May this vision bless other women the way it has blessed me 100 fold!

Un”till” then, I hope you will be encouraged and blessed as I continue to document this journey from dream to reality!

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