Creative Habitat

Yellow Chair

Sometimes we do something out of character…

…or maybe these perceived out-of-character moments are actually our truest selves throwing all inhibition to the wind.

You’ll know these moments when usual reasoning is trumped by intuition and the heart claims it’s territory with a defiant, “I’m doing this! Ain’t nothing going to stop me!”

Enter the yellow chair.

One evening last week, I got a hankering for a yellow chair. It came out of the blue, but make no mistake, I had yellow on the mind. So, I did what any determined mom on a mission does and started my online search. 

Confession – I knew my husband would be less inclined to buy a yellow chair than I and by “less inclined,” I mean “opposed to.”

As a couple, we tend toward a more conservative style, so one might say a “yellow chair” is not congruent with “our look.” But it is 100% congruent with my vision for Creative Habitat because it breaks the mold. It says, “Hey…go for it.” It represents a space to sit and dream and write and CREATE!

As I sit in my new yellow chair writing this now, I know I made the right decision. I have decided to name it “The Idea Chair” and I have no doubt it will become part of the fabric of our lives as we reflect on all the ideas thought up in this very chair! So much potential! 

Signing off for now, but don’t worry, I’ll be back writing from my yellow chair soon! More inspiration to come!


My husband actually likes the chair! Proof it’s already working it’s magic!

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