Creative Habitat

Hats Off to Mom

I attended my cousin’s graduation at San Diego State University yesterday and was amazed by the creative hat decor! Lights, glitter, rhinestones…you name it! These graduation hats were decked out. I was grateful for this playful display of self expression and entertainment while waiting for my cousin’s name to be called. After taking in this sea of creativity, I shifted my focus to the bleachers where I caught a glimpse of many other impressive hats. Inconspicuous as they were, I was equally amazed.

I am referring to the many hats worn by the proud mamas I was surrounded by. Undoubtedly, these women have served as loving caregivers, playdate organizers, potty trainers, party planners, nurses, disciplinarians, teachers, cooks, cleaners, project managers, chauffeurs, and life coaches to name a few. They have given countless hours and days, months and years to the art of mothering hoping this day would come, though I’m sure, realizing it came faster than anticipated.

As I watched these moms cheer on their graduates, I felt their pride, sacrifice, and devotion, knowing each cheer was simply an outward expression of a habit they have been practicing for years…cheering on their kids through the ups and downs of life – and frequently reaching for their party hat!

So there I was at a college graduation with my toddler and baby realizing the brevity of it all, knowing my potty training cheers will swiftly turn into first day of kindergarten cheers, sports cheers, driving for the first time cheers, and hopefully, high school and college graduation cheers – all while wearing the many hats motherhood requires. I just hope I’ll make a creative habit of decorating a few of those hats!

This Mother’s Day, my hat is off to all the moms wearing all the hats. Cheers to you and your creative gifts! A special thank you to my husband for my Mother’s Day gift of creative time to write this post which I dedicate to my mom who daily inspires and encourages me to continue creating with joy. Here’s to decorating our many hats together mom!

I took the picture above at a hat shop in Seaport Village in downtown San Diego yesterday and thought it was the perfect Creative Habitat to include with this post!

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