Creative Habitat

2017 in Review

Everyone in my house is asleep and I should probably use this time to order groceries which I have been meaning to do all day – but all I want to do is sit in front of the Christmas tree and take in this pocket of peace. 

As I sit here in the soft glow of Christmas lights I can’t help but sense God’s goodness and faithfulness over the past year. 2017 has been a year of transition and new beginnings – it’s also been a year of personal editing – and making value-based life decisions.

Little did I know this editing and refining process would lead our family to plant roots in Iowa. In fact, a year ago, I had never even been to Iowa! Despite my initial hesitation to accept Des Moines given I LOVED living in San Diego, I knew in my heart it was time for a change. 

As with most changes, we have faced ups and downs throughout the transition but overall Iowa has been an awesome fit for our family. For the first time in a long time, we have margin allowing our family to spend more quality time together and allowing me to invest more time in the development of Creative Habitat.

Here are a few highlights from 2017:

– Bringing a baby girl into the world!

– Soaking up our last few months visiting our favorite places in San Diego.

– Potty training my son!!!

– Finding a home!!!

– Making a cross-country drive with 2 kids and 2 dogs!

– Embracing a new state and city with an open heart and open mind – this is a huge blessing.

– Enjoying quiet time with my husband for our weekly “Deck Dates.”

– Getting connected with local moms and mompreneurs here in Des Moines.

– Starting to work with my own mom to serve others.

– Attending MOMCON as an exhibitor in Kansas City, MO!

– Developing the Forming Hands Clay workshop with my mom to help women discover and develop their God-given creative gifts. – Scheduling these workshops for MOPS groups across the nation starting Spring 2018!

– Dabbling in Instagram – it took me a while but I finally started using this platform to post updates on my creative process while continuing to develop Creative Habitat. You can follow this creative journey @creativehabitatmoms

– Training a VA to help share Creative Habitat resources on social media starting in the new year so I can focus on my strengths (after trying to manage by myself, I have come to realize posting on social media feels like it takes more effort than I can realistically give) so I’ve decided to ask for help!

– Pivoting my focus from online coaching to developing a business plan for a nonprofit coworking space with coop childcare – a physical Creative Habitat to serve moms. 

– Starting to look into spaces to house this Creative Habitat coworking/coop childcare space here in the Greater Des Moines area.

– Connecting with the local law school to request help in establishing Creative Habitat as an official 501(c)3. I will be working directly with a group of law students and their professor as part of their legal clinic and course project starting in the new year. I am very excited about this opportunity!

– Laying the foundation to launch a Founding Moms Exchange in Des Moines starting early 2018.

– Attending the Legit Local Market as an exhibitor with my mom in November and getting featured on the local news!

– Feeling comfortable in my own skin – letting go of my insecurities about what others may think about my decision to pursue this Creative Habitat vision.

– Finding joy in the simple act of developing creative habits and tapping into my creativity. I truly believe I am a better mom, wife, and friend as a result of carving out creative time and space to refuel regularly!

As I look ahead to 2018, I am filled with hope knowing when God begins a good work in us, He will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Trusting 2018 will be a year of fulfilled promises for this vision I have nurtured with God’s help for the past 3 years.

Thank you for sharing this journey of faith with me. As always, wishing you creative and refueling days ahead!


I am launching a guest blog series starting next week. I look forward to sharing other moms creative habits and creative gifts with you! If you are interested in submitting a guest post, please follow this link for more details!

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