Creative Habitat

Cannot Steal My Joy

My car was broken into yesterday in broad daylight and the thief stole my purse (which had my wallet and cell phone) out of my trunk. Needless to say, the last 24 hours have been a  nightmare trying to “reset” my life, not to mention feeling violated.   As usual, I turned to my creative habit of writing to cope.  I wrote the following poem on the back of a envelope while I waited on the curbside for the police to arrive.  It is dedicated to my perpetrator.


Shattered Glass.

Heart in knots.

Glances pass.

Fear-filled thoughts.


Total Shock.

Where’s the thief?

Who broke the lock?

Caught off guard.


Not too far,

Someone looming.

Waiting, Waiting.

Timing was right.

Broke the window.

Picked a fight.

Left the scene.

Left a mess.

Carried out a scheme,

I, now, must address.

Stole it all.


I take the fall.

Endure the sting.

Yet through the storm,

I claim God’s grace.

And though I’m torn,

I seek His face.

Knowing what’s been lost

can be restored.

Trusting God’s promises.

Blessed and Assured.

While the thief comes to steal and destroy,

He CANNOT steal my faith, my hope, and my joy.

~John 10:10~

While my thief was an actual robber, I was reminded that every woman deals with a “thief” trying to steal her joy.   Next time you are confronted by your “thief,” I encourage you to retreat to your creative habitat and claim this truth…no one can rob you of your joy!  NO ONE.  Keep the faith ladies, God is bigger still.

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