Creative Habitat

Dear Gifted Mama…

For all the moms I am meeting at MOMCON and all the moms reading this who I wish I could meet this weekend, this is my letter to you!

Dear Gifted Mama,

If you are reading this, then it means God carved out time for both of us to be here, which is really quite miraculous when you consider all the preparations we both made to come to MOMCON and all the things that could have come up to keep us from standing here. But here we are! Praise the Lord!

As I write this letter to you, MOMCON is 2 days away and if I am really honest, I’m not sure I’ll make it! Between a teething baby, sick preschooler, and myriad of other unexpected “life” situations – I’m feeling like anything creative must be put on the back burner.

And yet, this very booth is the result of God carving out creative time to refuel this busy mama. I first established Creative Habitat to help busy moms develop creative habits to refuel in daily living by tapping into their creative gifts. I wholeheartedly believe God uses our creative gifts to draw us near to Him and serve one another which brings me to my “Why.”

Why is Creative Habitat here at Booth 715?

Because I want to C.A.R.E. (Create A Rejuvenating Environment) for you! I hope you walk away from this booth feeling affirmed in the creative woman God designed you to be! I want to give you the opportunity to share your creative gifts and inspire other mamas here! Because Mama – YOU are gifted! And when we all share our creative gifts and C.A.R.E. for one another, I believe something amazing happens…tapping into our creative gifts not only refuels us but also refuels those we serve!

It’s been said many creative ideas get their start on a napkin! Will you take this opportunity to share one creative activity that refuels you or one creative idea you want to develop? A simple word, phrase, or sketch will do!

God Bless,



I hope you feel rejuvenated after this napkin activity! Carving out protected time and space to create is why Creative Habitat is here to C.A.R.E for you!

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