Creative Habitat


Through every great struggle is a need for innovation. Joy Mangano

Joy Mangano was once a busy single mom of 3 working hard to keep a roof over her kids heads.  Now she is a leading business woman with a net worth of over $50 million.

Coined the “Mother of Invention,” this once tired and busy mom decided to carve out time to discover and develop her creative gift of innovation.  Her launching product, the Miracle Mop was just the first of over 100 patents she would later develp and sell at a groundbreaking rate.

For anyone who has seen the recent blockbuster film based on her life, you know her success required overcoming obstacles and taking big risks…big risks that she believed in!

I don’t know which part of Joy’s story inspires me more, her perseverance to keep pushing forward when even those closest to her were skeptics or her audacity to dream (an do) BIG when it would have been so easy to maintain the status quo.  At 34, she broke the mold by doing what so many adults are too afraid to do. She reinvented herself!

She returned to the passion of her youth (making things) and combined her experience as an adult to creatively overcome daily struggles other adult women face, but with a youthful fearlessness.  She dared to try something new, even when her circumstances were overwhelming.  She made time to create!

“Through every great stuggle is a need for innovation,” Joy shared candidly in a recent interview (as shown HERE.  Her great struggle was mopping and she developed an innovative solution and helped many other women in the process.  Her story has inspired me to continue to develop an innovative solution to my greatest struggle and hopefully, help other busy moms with similiar struggles in the process.

Full disclosure, my great struggle is battling burn out.  As a mom of a toddler, wife of a busy medical resident, employee in a fast-paced job, and overall millennial do-all-be-all mindset (which I battle daily), I MUST be intentional about how I spend time or else the world in all its enticing messages can consume the precious energy I MUST conserve.

Creative Habitat is my innovative solution  to conserve energy and refuel amidst the busyness of daily living.  I have found carving out creative time to write, dance or develop other creative gifts not only refuels my spirit, but allows me to better serve my son, husband, and friends. I guess you could say Creative Habitat is my “Miracle Mop” for cleaning up the hectic mess that can ensue in this 21st century life. 

If you are a creative mom who has been putting off developing your creative gifts, l hope Joy’s story inspires you to carve out some creative time in the near future.  I can personally attest to the benefits of doing so.  Who knows, perhaps you have the next “Miracle Mop” hidden within.

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