Creative Habitat

Look Fear In The Eyes

Fear is a powerful deterrent from becoming the very best version of ourselves. 

I should know, I’m actually an expert in the area of fear and worst case scenario syndrome.  Fear + Imagination can break a spirit before it even has a chance to soar.

Overcoming fear is a daily battle and victory for me.  In fact, each blog post and effort I make to develop Creative Habitat is a conscious act to defy fear and its squelching agenda against the Creative Habitat vision I believe I’ve been blessed to share.

I do not intend on focusing much more of my precious energy on this force of deception because the creative act is far stronger and much more powerful.  However, I must address fear…because it addresses me every day. 

Sometimes it slaps me in the face, other times it subtly takes the seat behind me, but make no mistake…Fear and I go way back.  Fortunately, Fear is cowardly and I am brave.  So Fear can take that back seat, and I will gladly drive knowing what’s behind me is nothing compared to what is ahead.

Let your light shine ladies.  Look fear in the eyes, acknowledge its presence, and gracefully turn your gaze upwards knowing the ultimate Creator is on your side! 

Wishing you victorious creativity in the days to come.

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